Career Resources for Muslim Students + Alums
Looking to explore the intersection of your Muslim identity with the world of work? Use this page to find Muslim-affiliated job boards, internships, organizations, and more! [Note: This is a page in progress. If you have any websites you’d like to see added, contact Rachel Edwards Harvith ’00,]
Job + Internship Boards
Fellowships & Internships
- Boston Islamic Seminary offers the Iqra Fellowship, a year-long program that seeks to empower students and young professionals with the traditional, philosophical, and spiritual foundations needed to navigate modern challenges and succeed as Muslims in America.
- Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) offers internships and externships
- The Highlights Foundation offers 2-year fellowships in children’s literature for Muslim storytellers.
- Islamic Scholarship Fund has fellowships, internship scholarships, and mentorship opportunities in the areas of policy, media, law, and film.
- Muslim Americans in Public Service (MAPS) has a listing of Federal Government & Congressional Fellowships.
- 30 Scholarships for Muslim Students (The Pell)
- Islamic Scholarship Fund
- Islamic Society of North America
- Top 14 Scholarships for Muslim Students (Scholarships360)
Finding Islamic Organizations
- The Islamic Association of North America has a listing of Islamic centers in the United States.
- Arab America has a business directory of Arab-owned businesses, some of which have ties to religious identity.
- Some states and large cities also have identity-specific chambers of commerce, such as a Muslim Chamber of Commerce. Do a Google search to find out! Once you are in the chamber’s website, you can look for a membership directory to find businesses in the area with Muslim ties.
Professional Associations
- Muslim Women Professionals
- For industry-specific associations, check out this list of Professional Associations & Faith Groups assembled by Missouri School of Journalism’s Center on Religion & the Professions.
Organizations of Note