Career Resources for Jewish Students + Alums

Looking to explore the intersection of your Jewish identity with the world of work? Use this page to find Jewish-affiliated job boards, organizations, service opportunities, and more! [Note: This is a page in progress. If you have any websites you’d like to see added, contact Rachel Edwards Harvith ’00,]

Job + Internship Boards

Leadership Programs


Post-Grad Fellowships + Service Programs


Finding Jewish Organizations

  • Use the Jewish Federations’ Fed Finder to find local Jewish Federations across North America. Each Federation has local resources, as well as a listing of Jewish-affiliated businesses and cultural organizations.
  • The Jewish Virtual Library has a list of select American Jewish Organizations
  • Israel’s Science and Technology Directory has a Global Directory of Jewish Museums and Holocaust Museums
  • Some states and large cities also have identity-specific chambers of commerce, such as a Jewish Chamber of Commerce. Do a Google search to find out! Once you are in the chamber’s website, you can look for a membership directory to find Jewish-affiliated businesses in the area.

Organizations of Note

Other Collections of Resources

Professional Associations