Career Resources for Christian (Catholic) Students + Alums
Looking to explore the intersection of your Catholic identity with the world of work? Use this page to find Catholic-affiliated job boards, organizations, service opportunities, and more! [Note: This is a page in progress. If you have any websites you’d like to see added, contact Rachel Edwards Harvith ’00,]
Job + Internship Boards
- Catholic Professionals
- Catholic Source
- Ignatian Solidarity Network
- Jobs for Catholics
- National Catholic Educational Association
- National Catholic Register
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Young Catholic Professionals
- Agape Community
- Catholic Relief Services
- Catholic Summer Internship Kansas City
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Volunteer Programs
- Catholic Volunteer Network has a searchable listing of volunteer programs and post-grad service opportunities
Post-Graduate Fellowships + Service
- Agape Community
- Alliance for Catholic Education + University of Notre Dame Teaching Fellowship
- Amate House
- Catholic Volunteer Network has a searchable listing of volunteer programs and post-grad service opportunities
- College of the Holy Cross has a list of U.S. and international post-grad teaching and service opportunities
- Good Shepherd Volunteers
- Jesuit Volunteer Corps
- Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest
- Mercy Volunteer Corps
- St. Joseph Worker Program
- University of Notre Dame has a great list of postgraduate service opportunities
Organizations of Interest
- Archdiocese of Louisville has a list of U.S. and international Catholic organizations
- Catholic Charities USA has a searchable Catholic charity locator
- Catholic Organizations for Renewal has a directory of Catholic organizations seeking to reform and build an inclusive church
- Catholic Volunteer Network
- Catholic Worker Movement
- Ignatian Solidarity Network
Trade Associations
- Young Catholic Professionals
- For industry-specific associations, check out this list of Professional Associations & Faith Groups assembled by Missouri School of Journalism’s Center on Religion & the Professions.