How to Find Grinnell Alums on LinkedIn

Find Grinnell Alums on LinkedIn to learn more about their unique career journeys, and to explore your own potential career path.

  • You will need to create a profile on LinkedIn, if you don’t already have one. Visit Learning LinkedIn to get started and learn best practices.
  • Go to the Grinnell College page on LinkedIn, linked here
  • The Alumni tab will be active and you’ll see stats on the nearly 15,000 alums that are active on the platform.
  • Presets for narrowing down the results include sections like Where they work, Where they live, What they do, What they studied … use the right arrow to scroll along all of the section categories.
  • Click on any item to sort by that indicator or add your own by clicking the +Add option in the upper right corner of a particular list. For example, under location, click +Add and type in Barcelona, Spain.
  • You can also search by listing terms in the search bar directly below the number of alums.
  • Scroll down to see a list of people that match your search criteria.
  • Best practice: try a few different search-term combinations.
  • To reach out either via LinkedIn or directly emailing alums, review Networking by Email.
Find Alums