Help Handshake (and LinkedIn!) Help You

Savvy internet users are no stranger to the algorithms that determine which videos you watch on TikTok, which songs you hear on Spotify, and which friends’ posts you see on Facebook. You liked a dog meme? Great, here’s a feed full of them! But that feedback loop isn’t just for your fun apps. Handshake and LinkedIn will also tailor your experience based on the information you give them and your interactions with their content. If you’re using Handshake and LinkedIn to search for jobs or internships, set yourself up for success by giving the sites plenty to work with.

First, complete your profiles. Both sites will recognize keywords in your profile to match to keywords in job posts. Make sure your most relevant experiences–especially the things you’ve done before that you want to do more of–are highlighted on your profiles. Skills are especially important, as you’re more likely to see jobs that ask for skills mentioned on your profile. Conversely, you can use the job ads you’re interested in to guide you in writing your profile (and tailoring your resume): skills or other qualifications that show up repeatedly should be prioritized on your materials. (If you don’t yet feel confident in a skill, check out LinkedIn Learning to brush up.)

On Handshake in particular, you should occasionally re-visit the interests listed on your profile. Are your job roles, industries, and cities of interest still accurate? Have you discovered a new passion that should be added? Have you changed your mind about something? Keep this part of your profile current. And hey, while you’re at it: don’t forget to update your subscription preferences right here on!

Second, get to clicking! Take a look at the jobs the platform shows you. These will initially stem from your search criteria and the information in your profile. Open and save the jobs that look most interesting to you. Teach Handshake and LinkedIn that you want to see more content like that. If you aren’t getting good results at first, tweak your search terms and keywords. Start searching broadly and then focus in on the jobs that catch your eye.

Finally, follow organizations, people, groups, and hashtags. Following companies of interest will let these platforms know what kind of employers you’re most drawn to. Your LinkedIn news feed will quickly fill with more relevant, timely information and opportunities.

Handshake and LinkedIn are both nimble, dynamic tools. Make sure your use of these platforms is just as dynamic so you can get the most out of them. And as always, your CLS advisers are here to help you navigate this process. Good luck!

By Sarah Barks
Sarah Barks Senior Director, STEM Career Communities & Analytics