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How to start networking (even if you’re an introvert!) | Roadtrip Nation

“It’s not what you know….it’s WHO you know.”

Unfortunately, whoever’s been telling you that is right—experts say over 70% of …

Social awareness | Soft skills for success | Roadtrip Nation

Empathy isn’t just about understanding other people. It’s about understanding yourself.

In our increasingly diverse world, it’s important now more …

Career Networking Demystified – UC Davis

Best strategies for building a professional network in a socially distanced world.

Virtual Networking

The future of communication is upon us with virtual networking that enables us to adapt to social distancing requirements while …

10 Tips to impress at a virtual career fair

First impressions mean everything…even virtual ones. Companies are turning more and more to virtual career fairs, giving recruiters the opportunity …

How to Work a Career Fair

Career fairs are one of the best ways for students to meet prospective employers and ultimately land a job. But …

Networking 101

No matter the industry, networking is essential to a long, successful career. The most successful networkers know that the real …

Career Fair Advice co-founder Neilye Garrity visits the Penn State Career Fair to get the latest scoop on what companies are looking …