Going Forth Episode 32: Going Where The Wind Blows – Season 2 Finale
According to Leslie Bleichner ’07: “sometimes, the world moves for you in ways you are not prepared to move yourself.” Other times, you are the one to make it move. Change is in the air on the Season 2 Finale of Going Forth as we revisit moments in our guests lives that can only be described as serendipitous and/or are the result of a “cold” call, email, or conversation. Their stories reaffirm that great things happen when you least expect them and that in the face of uncertainty, it’s up to you to take the plunge. We also say goodbye to Producer & Co-Host Meredith Benjamin ’24 as she goes forth on a new journey studying off-campus during Season 3.
This episode features stories from Jenn Mattern Lalich ’92 (Episode 23: “The Candyland Path – Dismantling Toxic ‘Success’ Culture”), Leslie Bleichner ’07 (Episode 24: “Education is My Playground), Vivek Venugopal ’01 (Episode 25: “We’re Not in Kansas Anymore”), Anton Jones ’02 (Episode 21: “It’s a Party at CLIMB”), and Sachi Graber ’12 (Episode 26: “It’s Not The End Of The World”).