Externship Program Requirements Information
Information for externs on program requirements will be updated in Fall 2024. The following is based on previous program requirements. Please note some requirements may change for the 2025 program. Click on each section to expand the information.
Externs offered a placement must promptly respond to accept their placement during winter break.
Externs offered funding support must have a direct deposit form on file with the College.
Link to direct deposit enrollment form
1. Attend Orientation Session #1: There will be two sessions of each orientation.
- If you are unable to attend either of the orientation sessions due to a conflict that cannot be resolved, you will need to schedule a meeting with the CLS adviser assigned to you for the externship program.
2. Complete and return all required documents by the deadlines provided to you in orientation:
- Externship Program General Waiver 2024 (must be signed and returned to Robin Bourjaily)
- If you have not already enrolled for Direct Deposit: This process is managed through the Accounting office. Information is available on this Accounting page.
3. Send an introductory email to your host
- Please review the Connecting with Hosts and Expectations guide for more information and a sample outreach email.
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
4. Meet with your host via video or phone
- Please review the Connecting with Hosts and Expectations guide for more information and tips for your video conversation.
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
5. Attend Orientation Session #2: There will be two sessions of each orientation
- If you are unable to attend either of the orientation sessions due to a conflict that cannot be resolved, you will need to schedule a meeting with the CLS adviser assigned to you for the externship program.
6. Send a hand-written or emailed thank you to your host: Due at the end of your externship.
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
7. Complete the Post-Externship Program Evaluation Survey (in Qualtrics) by Monday, Apr. 8, 2024 by 5:00pm.
- You will be emailed the link to the Program Evaluation Survey (in Qualtrics) to be completed after you return from your externship.
- These evaluations will be kept confidential and will not be shared with your externship host. Your feedback and opinions on your externship experience is valuable to the growth of the program.
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
8. Upload your post-externship reflection essay to the post-externship Program Evaluation Survey by Monday, Apr. 8, 2024 by 5:00pm.
- Your reflection essay will be uploaded in Qualtrics at the time that you complete your post-externship Program Evaluation Survey.
- Quotes from your post-externship reflection essay may be shared to promote the program to future externship hosts, to demonstrate the value of the program for students who participate.
- This paper must be 500 words minimum and uploaded as a Word document or PDF.
- The goal of this paper is to support and encourage reflection on your externship experience and to set intentional goals for the future.
- This paper should answer the following questions:
- What is one valuable insight you gained from the externship experience?
- How did the externship experience affirm or challenge your interests in the career field?
- What are two actions you plan to take to build on or as a result of participating in this experience?
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
***Failure to complete any of the program requirements by the due dates will result in not being able to participate in future CLS Programs and/or becoming ineligible for future CLS grants and funding.
1. Complete the College Travel Registration Form
- Linked here: College Travel Registration Form & Information (International and Domestic) (Grinnell login required)
- Complete the appropriate form, either international or domestic, on the website link above. The campus health & safety committee will monitor locations for health and safety concerns and may update you on any changes to campus policy or any other recommendations or requirements prior to your travel.
2. Complete CLS Travel Details Form
- Linked here: CLS Externship Travel Details Form
- Communicate your travel details to your host as well by this deadline
3. (Optional) Request CLS sponsored mid-spring break transportation
- Linked here: CLS externship van transportation request
- Transportation can be requested for specified dates only.
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
An optional Externship In-Person Program Requirement & Travel Tracker spreadsheet is also available, to help keep you keep track of each step as you complete it.
If you are engaging in an in-person externship experience and will be traveling, you may want to apply for CLS funding to support the cost of transportation and food.
1. Complete a budget planning worksheet (Grinnell login required). We recommend having your budget reviewed by your CLS adviser before submitting the request form.
2. Submit an Externship Program Travel Funding Request Form
- Funding offers will be sent to students via email in early February.
- After a funding offer has been extended to you, your funding acceptance form will be due by a date tba.
- Funding is not guaranteed and is based on financial need status.
- See information provided during Orientation for more information.
While sharing photos from your externship experience is not required, we appreciate getting to see your smiling faces along with a glimpse into your experience! Photos can be emailed to your CLS adviser and we may share them on our externship webpages and on social media so future externs can get an idea what the experience may be like.
Always ask permission before taking photos of any individual—including your hosts or colleagues—or photos in a work setting or a host’s home, if applicable. Some work settings have policies against photos being taken for a variety of reasons.