LinkedIn Pro-Tip: Prevent LinkedIn from Using Your Info to Train Generative AI

A recent change in the privacy settings on LinkedIn allows the company (and affiliates) to use your data, profile, and posts to train generative AI. To prevent LinkedIn from using this information, adjust your privacy settings.

If you are changing this setting on the web:

  1. Go to the top of your profile and select “ME”
  2. See the drop-down menu. Go to “Settings and Privacy”
  3. Look at the left-side menu. Select “Data Privacy”
  4. Look for “Data for Generative AI Improvement” and select OFF

If you are changing this setting on the mobile app:

  1. Click on your face/ photo upper left
  2. Scroll down to the bottom to see “Settings”
  3. Select “Data Privacy”
  4. Look for “Data for Generative AI Improvement” and select OFF
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By Robin Bourjaily
Robin Bourjaily Assistant Director, Exploratory Career Community